Minggu, 28 April 2019

Last Post

Kayak yang aku bilang di post sebelumnya, ini bakal jadi post terakhir di blog ini. Nggak panjang-panjang amat kok :)) Pertama-tama, yang mungkin mau kutulis: Kenapa bikin blog ini? Gatau, bosen aja. Dulu pas SMP kan ada tugas bikin blog, jadinya ya ada blog ini. Habis OSN 2013, rasanya pengen nulis-nulis gitu. Jadinya daripada blog ini gak kepake ya.. nulis-nulis aja walaupun mungkin gak berguna. Terus dulu kan awal-awal ngeblog tentang P2 2014, yang mana responnya positif. Jadinya ya.. nulis-nulis aja, siapa tau emang ada yang kepengen baca. Kenapa...

Minggu, 07 April 2019

ICPC WF 2019 Porto, Part 3

Day 4 - Contest Proper & Closing Ceremony Waking up as usual, then we have breakfast. I completely forgot that usually I eat less (or not eating at all) before contest, so that I won't be sleepy during contest. Fortunately, there is still enough time for some nap, so there is no problem. After I woke up, we went to Alfândega. There is still some time before team check-in, so I just listen to music for a while. After that, the team check-in...

ICPC WF 2019 Porto, Part 2

Day 1 - Registration I woke up around 4:00 because of Degol's alarm. Didn't bother to turn it off since I was too lazy. Around 5:30, it's still ringing, and finally Degol is awake. When it's time for breakfast, we decided to go. I borrowed Degol's slippers (he brought 2 pairs of slippers) since I can't find any hotel sandals in our room. The breakfast is good, although maybe the best part is I don't have to prepare breakfast on my own like usual...

ICPC WF 2019 Porto, Part 1

Unlike my usual blogpost, I'll try to write this one in English. Since this WF is my last ICPC contest (2nd time at WF), I just want to write this story not in usual way :P Before WF You can skip this one if you want to, this one is not about the 6+1 days in WF :P My team, Supir Tayo which consist of me (ayaze), Degol (DigiM), and Inigo (IgoRamli) qualified to WF 2019 by winning Hanoi regional 2018. Unlike previous seasons where we usually wait...

Senin, 31 Desember 2018

Definitely Not a 2018 Post

Tentunya, ini blog post tentang 2018, lol. 2018 akan segera berakhir dan aku bakal ngelewatin tahun baru di pesawat. In fact, bentar lagi boarding. Aku mungkin bakal nulis beberapa hal penting di tahun ini, sama hal-hal yang lumayan aku ingat. Ketua Ristek SIG CP Aku daftar jadi ketua Ristek SIG CP. Kalo ditanya, motivasi kerennya supaya bisa ngajarin yang pengen belajar CP. Motivasi sebenernya sih, pengen mempertahankan tempat tinggal di...